Friday 13 September 2013

Mind Cafe at Funan The IT Mall

Minds cafe is a great place to hang out with a big group of friends. Offering a pretty wide range of board games, and decently prized package deals that offer a few hours of board game play and some food, it is a great chill out spot where you can make as much noise as you like without anyone batting an eyelid. Laid out where groups can easily gather around a coffee table in vibrant coloured furniture, its perfect for chit-chatting while eating and playing in a group. They have a pretty wide-range of pastas, sandwiches and wraps which are alright. Not particularly wow but reasonably priced. Their desserts are decent at best and their coffees aren't too great but I guess going to mind cafe isn't really about the food. It's more about the company and lots of boisterous fun and laughter... Funan Digitalife Mall Singapore 179097

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