Wednesday 5 March 2014

Eating Insects in Bangkok

Eating fried insects in Bangkok appears on the priority list of most daring travelers, something you should try at least once and take a photo so you can proudly exhibit it once back home. This only goes for the brave ones, the cowardly ones just want a photo of the little crawlers... to such an extent that some insect vendors started to charge 10 baht just for the right to take a picture. In a way, you have to put yourself in their shoes: they are running a restaurant here, not a Ripley's-Believe-It-or-Not shack!

A bag of crisps has a lot in common with a serving of fried insects. They are both tasty, greasy, cheap and are great with beer, but fried insects definitely have an edge over crisps, both in terms of nutritious value and the exotic element. You won't just find one type, but an entire ramp of species glistening under the bright-neon lights of a hawker’s push-cart, from finger food like bamboo worms and crickets to the ominous-looking scorpions and what seems to be like an entire colony of ants: the queen, her second-in-command and all the workers as well.

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